Jeremiah 29:11
"I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

Sunday, May 15, 2011 life, new hope

Oh, how I love spring! Everything's beginning to grow and bloom and spill over with color in our yard, and I love it!! The garden is planted, the strawberries will be ready for picking in another month, and the backyard has come to life with our new hens. With spring, comes the promise of new life and a hopefullness that I don't find in any other season of the year. I love the smell of flowers blooming, freshly mown grass, and rain in the air. I love watching my children run and play in the yard, giggling and jumping. I love the way the sun warms my back as I work in the garden and the way the dirt feels in my hands. This has to be the best time of year.
We have been taking pictures of all of the things we are doing around the house to send to Lilie. We hope that she will enjoy the gardens, the chickens and all of the things that our family values and enjoys. We know that she will enjoy the pool! We took the cover off the other day and we are anxious to tell her that we are getting it ready for the summer. She talks about it every week when we talk on the phone. We are praying that this time next year, she will be here with us, helping plant the garden, feed the chickens and enjoy the outdoors during spring. She can't believe how warm it is here in the spring and summer since it is so much cooler in Eastern Europe.
School is winding down, too. Both here for our children and for Lilie. She was telling us the other day about her grades and the end of the year school trips that she is looking forward to. She seems to be doing well in school and we are proud of her efforts. It is hard to imagine what a big change it will be for her when she is here. School is so very different in America. But, we are confident that she will rise to the challenge and with lots of support and encouragement, she will do well. Our Rachel is so excited that school is almost over. She is in those final days where field trips and fun days abound, and she is loving it! Nathan is about to finish up his first year of school and is anxious to spend lazy days by the pool and in the sand box. We are so proud of him for how well he did this year. Jack will be "graduating" from his first year of preschool in just another week and a half. It's hard to believe how much they are all growing up.
So, everyone, enjoy your spring! Take time to look around at all that is new and beautiful in the world around you. And, when you see a lilie in full bloom, say a little prayer for our Lilie that she will be home with us soon...And, remember that with spring comes the promise of new life and new hope!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day and such...

This Mother's Day was so bittersweet. I enjoyed a beautiful breakfast in bed from Bob, Rachel, Nathan and Jackson along with gifts and cards and lots of snuggle-time! What a great way to start the day. We went to church and spent the afternoon visiting our moms. It was a lovely day, really. But, as is so often the case lately, something was missing. The absence of our sweet girl is ever-present on my heart and mind, especially on days such as these. I am so looking forward to next year, and praying that our family will be complete. For the first time, I will be the mother of four! That is something that I never anticipated saying, but it sounds great!
Life has been crazy and hectic with so much going on. We finished up our homestudy on April 23rd and the draft was sent in to our agency today to be approved!! Now, we begin the moutains of documents that need to go in our adoption file and dossier as well as begin the application process for our I800A. The list goes on and on and sometimes I wonder if it will ever end?! I know that it will though, someday. I also know that it is well worth every signature, initial, dollar, and stamp.
Summer is quickly approaching and with it comes the joy of seeing Lilie again, spending long days with the kids swimming and biking, camping, and gardening. We are so looking forward to all of the blessings in store for us this summer and pray that we will take the time to savor them as they rush by.